The Regional Development Fund of Region of Western Greece (RDF-RWG) is a special service of the regional authority. It was founded in 1998 at the seat of the State Region of Western Greece by virtue of the article 53, Act 2218/94. In 2011, RDF-RWG was affiliated to the local government of Region of Western Greece by virtue of the article 190, act 3852/2010.
Having as its main purpose of establishment the support of the development policies of the Region, the RDF-RWG exercises, among others, the following responsibilities:
- The management of credits of the Public Investments Programme, the management of financing of public sector bodies and other legal entities, and the management of financing of European Commission, International Organisations and other foreign bodies with respect to the regional and other special development programmes of the region, according to the decisions of the regional council.
- The support of the Regional Executive Committee and the relevant Directorate.
- The support of the development planning of wider spatial units of the region, by providing the necessary data to the relevant services.
- The support of the beneficiaries during the process of prioritization of the projects for their implementation, preparation and inclusion in the respective operational programs, as well as the support during their execution until their completion.
- The technical support of the region, especially in the field of elaboration of studies and researches and implementation of programs assigned to the Fund by the region for the more efficient utilization of the resources.
- Participation in European Union programs.
- The provision of services, the conduct of research and the elaboration of development, technical-economic, organizational studies, as well as the supervision and implementation of programs which are assigned to the Fund by the Ministries, the Region, the Decentralized Administration, municipalities and other public bodies.
The logo of the Region of Western Greece is " full of contrasts ", as a result of its remarkably diverse variety in terms of natural and cultural resources, but also productive activities. In Western Greece, an extremely dynamic human capital is active, looking for creative ways to innovate and support the local economy and entrepreneurship. In addition , there is a high concentration of academic and research institutions that have extensive know-how in applied sectors of society and the economy.
With the main goal of promoting business investments in research and innovation, the Region of Western Greece supports the innovative companies of the region through the actions of the OP. "WESTERN GREECE 2014-2020" throughout their development, ie from the support of early ideas with the financial support of applied research projects, to the support of their innovative investment plans.
All this remains in the priorities of the Region of Western Greece and for the Regional Operational Program 2021-2027, with the aim of the PDE to be a regional pole of research and innovation for companies, young scientists and researchers utilizing its geographical location, as well as the knowledge produced in universities and research institutes in the area. With this goal, specific sectors of the regional economy are captured and highlighted, which present particular dynamics, while emphasizing the connection of entrepreneurship with research and innovation.
Innovation in RWG
The development of innovation is a cornerstone of the Region's strategy for enhancing the economic well-being of its citizens. A necessary condition for this is the close and open cooperation between the public sector, companies and the academic community. Only this tripartite scheme has the power to remove obstacles and lay the foundations for the development of innovation, which we believe will provide a new perspective for the regional economy.
In this endeavor, the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece is a strategic development tool and a bridge connecting the public and private sectors of the Region, which will continue to expand.
The Regional Development Fund in the framework of the European project EGOV_INNO of the European Territorial Cooperation program "Greece-Italy 2014-2020" to support innovation in specific sectors in Western Greece, has developed a comprehensive platform for recording the regional entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem. This platform can be found on the website .
On this page, the user can navigate to different categories of innovation ecosystem actors such as Hubs, Companies, Investors and Experts and find useful information.